Art Shows Art Students League Monotypes Month of Printmaking Workshops

Month of Printmaking 2018 and Other Doings

“Conceptual Studio”, Monotype. Actually an impression of a very real studio where I worked during a residency in Sheridan, WY. It is up for auction to benefit the Art Students League of Colorado during their “Art and Soul” gala, February 10.

I’m Preparing art for a number of different shows and events this Spring. Most are related to the MoPrint (Month of Printmaking) festival of events and I’m organizing one event myself. It makes for a busy schedule.

“Master Printer and Print Educators of Colorado”, McNichols Building 3rd Floor, January 13-April 8 : This one has already opened, though viewing hours are limited, and the venue is often closed for private parties. The best way to see it may be the MoPrint Kick Off event on February 23 at 6-9 PM. I will be there. I have 3 pieces in the show ( I fall into the second category in the title), but I did not have any large work ready for the show.

“Hand Pulled: Mark Lunning’s Open Press”, PACE Center, Parker, Co, March 2-April 30: This is a show honoring the Open Press artists. The printmaking facility on Bayaud Ave run by Master Printer Mark Lunning is soon to close and move to Sterling, Colorado owing to the rapidly dwindling affordable space for arts orgs during the recent development boom. I haven’t worked there in a couple of years, since I now do most of my work at the Arts Students League, so this show will feature 3-5 large pieces from my past work there. It will be a mini retrospective of sorts. Opens March 2, 5:30-8 PM

Open Portfolio, Redline Gallery, March 17, 2-5 PM: This will probably be the most affordable show I’ve done in a long time. It was a fun show during the last MoPrint (2016) so I’ve decided to join it this year. Every artist has more art than they can sell, and this will be for printmakers, a chance to clean out the flat files at bargain prices, and that’s just what I’m doing. You’ll also see a lot of young artists trying to launch a name for themselves, I’m sure. Starting a print collection, and on a budget?

Art and Soul, Art Students League, February 10: This is the major fundraiser for the League, a big party with food and art auctions to benefit the school, and I always donate a piece. Tickets here.

artma, February 8: A fairly glitzy event that benefits The Morgan Adams This year it will be in the Evans School at 11th and Acoma, an opportunity in itself to see this historic building.

I’ll mention here that many of us artists are approached by charity auctions on a regular basis. Any auction is risky to begin with, as it can be damaging to your ‘market value’, especially if poorly organized and callous about their donating artists’ career needs, as many appallingly are.

This is not one of those, however. artma is the creme de la creme of charity auctions, with artists on the board of the event, professional treatment for donating artists, and an overall spirit of gratitude for artists’ generosity. I’ve been donating for several years because of this.

Meininger Art Supply, Broadway, March 3, 11-1 PM: I’ll be doing a monotype demo here. It’s a fun place to do one, and well equipped for the large groups they usually get. It’s about an hour, but you get a coupon at the end. Come early for a good seat, though they have mirrors and PA, so it works in the cheap seats, too.

Monotype-aThon, Art Students League, March 3, 9-5 PM: Same day! I’ll rush over there to join eight other artists doing 2-3 hour shifts, with the public invited to watch and kibbitz. There will be prints donated for sale to benefit the League and MoPrint, light snacks and lots of different approaches to monotype making.

A Moxie U class at the Art Students League, March 15, provides a more ‘hands-on’ intro to monotypes, with materials provided and all the ink mixing and prep done for you. It’s less than $35, so it’s a great way to celebrate Moprint 2018!

I’ll have a complete list of all Spring workshops soon.

I’ll look for some of you at these events. Feel free to come say hello and chat.

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I meant to do that…

“All of my friends were there…
Not just my friends,
But their best friends, too!
All of my friends were there,
Too stand, and stare”
-The Kinks, “All of My Friends Were There”

There’s a fine line between a dream and a nightmare, isn’t there? In a dream, you are naked, and with a beautiful person. In a nightmare, it’s the same only you are the only one naked.

Nothing is more nerve-wracking to me than preparing for a demo. A demonstration neatly combines one’s most insidious neuroses. Fear of public speaking. Fear of beginning a project. Fear of ending a project. Fear of humiliation and failure. A demo is like a naked dream, only with ink (“Out, damned spot”), and a 5,000 foot/pound per square inch roller ( “Life is what happens to you, while you’re busy planning other things”) standing between you and success. And ironically, the traditional advice to calm nerves when speaking in public is to imagine one’s audience naked. Now everyone’s naked. Is this a demo, or a revival of “Hair”?
I’m inviting everyone!
On Feb. 11th, from 1-3 Pm, in the Art Students League’s beautiful, bright print room I’m doing a demo of monotype that will give to people a quick glimpse of the monotype process, and my approach to it. I don’t know what I’ll wear, but I don’t think nothing at all will cut it. Still, channeling sheer terror is what makes a demo fun. I used to do improv comedy, and though I always had some stage fright, I did enjoy the interplay with the crowd. Which actually sort of hinged on the human truth that even failing miserably is entertaining to someone.
One day while showing one of my workshops how to run the press, I noticed that the pressure was too tight. I very carefully removed the printing plate with its inked image and precisely placed paper, then adjusted the pressure a bit and relaid the slip sheet and press blankets. When I began to roll the press again, it didn’t feel right at all.
” Gee, now it feels way too light,” I announced in a puzzled voice.
Silence. And then:
“Shouldn’t the plate be in there?”
Why, yes. Yes, it should. My head swiveling wildly I spied the printing plate, still safe on the table across from the press, where I’d carefully placed it.
“you were just testing us, weren’t you”? some wag jumped in, to general hoots.
“Why, yes. Yes, I was.”
Every class must have its clown. And every demo must have its demonstrator. At mine, I will try to remember to put the plate on the press bed before rolling it through. And to wear clothes.