I remember being bored at times back in January/February, when it too cold to go out, and I would prowl through the shelves looking for something new to read, or re-read. Now, in wet, gray April/May, with the workshop, and the show at Open Press (opening tonight!), boredom is not a problem. It’s been a bit frantic. Tonight, starting at 6 pm, it starts getting fun again. Crocus-pocus !
People who find yakking about art entertaining should try yakking about their own art. People are not afraid to be blunt, as in: “What were you thinking?” In many cases, I WASN’T THINKING AT ALL, which to me, is part of the point of art. In this picture, “Interior with Absence”, above, with its minimal structure and distressed imagery, I intended to evoke the fleeting feel of time past. Once highly anticipated events that are now dim in the memory. Do those people with the funny haircuts and our social security numbers even exist? And what of those who are gone? What creates their strange hold on the emotions?
Which brings us back to boredom, itself a form of absence-in-waiting. With two upcoming First Fridays and a Saturday demo, as well as the workshop and ASLD Summer Art Market, boredom isn’t likely to have much of a hold on me.