Welcome to JoeHigginsMonotypes.com. It’s taken a while longer to get up and running than I anticipated. This is partly due to a wicked busy schedule, and partly due to just not being savvy enough to navigate WordPress’ rather clunky, but undeniably cost-effective software.
As you see, the site is a rather skeletal affair right now. But I’ll add more each week, including a “Contact me” form, some downloadable publicity materials, many more pictures, and eventually, a way to actually buy them.
The main obstacle to going live has been importing my Blogger blog “Squishtoid” into this site. It actually turned out to be easier than say, changing font sizes, a frustrating fact that has to do with the fact that WordPress software is free and open source. “Free” means no money for the fancy, drag and drop, WYSIWYG software that one can buy from Adobe, etc. “Open Source” means anyone can create related software. The software widget for importing another blog turned out to be easy to use. The software for easily changing the look and feel of one’s site, not so much.
But eventually, even the most tech-challenged artist can learn the basics, and the pickiest of design geeks can learn… to accept the glitches and things that one cannot change. I will go more into detail on the process for those who may want to venture into it when I’m closer to a finished product, with a bit more perspective. Suffice it to say, if I can do it, anyone can. And in less than 4 months, probably.
May is a very busy month for me, so how many more wings I’ll be adding on to my humble home (page) right now I can’t say. But I will definitely try to keep you up to date on shows, workshops and studio doings here. And the blog is searchable, so many images and rambling thoughts are available there. In June and July, I’ll get back to site construction.
!["Still Life in Perspective", Monotype, 2013, 15x21". This is my most recent monotype, it's not even dry yet. I've spent the last three years telling workshop students to put away their paint brushes, then suddenly got the urge to use a paint brush. I'll hear about this.](https://i0.wp.com/www.joehigginsmonotypes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/IMG_1243-1024x729.jpg?resize=580%2C412)