I haven’t posted for a while, mostly due to preparations for the Art Students League Summer Art Market in Central Denver. As you can see, weather was less than art show-like. We had a total of 20 minutes of sun all weekend, with serial downpours, and temps so low you could see your breath. I’m still drying out, and warming up.
Somehow, and this is pending a few sales that have yet to finalize, I had my best show ever. At times, I was so swamped, I was pretty sure I was losing sales, and I’ve gotten two e-mail inquiries since the show ended.
I wasn’t the only artist telling this tale, and that’s one reason the event is viewed as a can’t-miss by many. I actually skipped the biggest football game in 60 years ( USA v. England) to do this show.
It’s surprising that so many shows don’t try to emulate the Summer Art Market, with its intimacy, walk-ability and simple, honest entry rules: if it is taught at the school, you can show it. No crafts, no jewelry, no giclees. I have nothing against crafts, jewelry and reproductions (giclees), but they’re all available at the mall. If you’re going to have an art show, focus on art. The people of Central Denver, and judging by the addresses on the checks, many other towns in Colorado, apparently agree.
And, I’ve said it before, when you support the arts ( Colorado’s 5th largest employer), you are helping the economy.
2 replies on “Rain, Rain, Raiiin; I Don’t Mind”
I’m watching a Ken Burns film on Thos. Hart Benton. He said that an artist’s life is the greatest way of life you could ever want, if you can get through the first forty years of it.
LOL! A very wise man…