
The Plague’s the Thing

Illustration for show at CVA
My little Star Wars datebook -2018 vintage, rescued from the freebie pile at work and converted into a portable place for sketching new ideas. It now resides grandly in a vitrine as part of the “In Process” show at Metro State University Center for Visual Art, by virtue of having been the first place to appear for the imagery central to my part of the exhibit. It sort of seems emblematic of the whole MoPrint2020 show cycle for me now.

Strange days have found us

Strange days have tracked us down

They’re going to destroy

Our casual joys


The [plague’s] the thing; Will it catch the conscience of a ( wanna-be) king? While America waits to see if the corrupt sham of the current presidential administration can survive its bumbling response to the virus, the virus is changing the way we live.

This post was intended for at least a week ago, and of course, things were changing so quickly that it was often outdated hours after I wrote it. My unstated strategy of keeping a lower political profile while exploring the joys of printmaking and the Month of Printmaking, a biennial festival of fine art prints here in Colorado, has come crashing up against the reality of the virus, which as everyone knows, shutdown everything, causing cancelled shows and events just midway through.

My plan for the original post was to discuss the then current In Process show at Metro State University Center for Visual Art as it pertains to my own process in making monotypes. That show is of course cancelled, though I’m grateful that it did, indeed get to open at all, unlike some MoPrint shows. During the opening I took some photos and can certainly patch together some thoughts about the show.. I’ll enjoy doing that with the time freed up by other now cancelled events, and I’ll post it soon.

Before that, some updates:

The Open Portfolio at Redline was cancelled at the last minute.

The Rhythm and Balance show at Niza Knoll Gallery is now effectively closed, with the proprietor in a high risk pool, and other galleries on Santa Fe Dr. suspending operations. You can see some of this work at their website, It was a reasonably successful show for me thus far, with one small sale, and some good crowds, pre-‘social distancing’.

The Arvada Center show “Imprint: Print Educators of Colorado”, conversely, was extended to early May, as the following show was cancelled, but the gallery is now closed, and it seems doubtful it will open again before May.

Access Gallery I have not heard from, assuming it’s closed?

My Library workshops have been cancelled. I’ll try to update my ‘Workshops’ page soon. Shout out to the alliance of grantors, Art Students League and DPL, as they are paying us for previously scheduled dates, thus eliminating some of the financial trauma of this crazy Spring.

The Art Students League of Denver classes themselves are now cancelled, probably through April. Online may be the best way to get more info (, as they are working from home.

Another show, which the #ASLDPrintmakers and I had been working on, to include a Monotype-A-Thon and Pop Up Portfolio show, set for March 28th during the #MoPrint Studio Tour, is of course cancelled and will not be re-scheduled at least till next year. That was fun working with the other ASLD printmakers, and some good things may come out of that in the future.

All of this is unfortunate, of course. But I’m grateful for the opportunity to show in so many great places, and I think the MoPrint Committee did a nice job putting the 4th Month of Printmaking together. I hope everyone is staying healthy and enjoying their self quarantine. I think we’ll get through this eventually.

And on November 3, we have direct control of the health of the nation.

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